Saturday, October 29, 2016

Missionary Life -- God is good

It’s been a great month; jammed pack with adventures!I thought the best way to update everyone is with pictures.  Some of you follow me on social media so I apologize if you’re seeing these double, but I hope to give you a little snip into what each picture represents.  Let’s start with the chapel, this was taken before walking into morning prayer one day.  Every morning the missionaries rise and meet at the chapel for Holy Hour and then morning prayer.  This has truly been may favorite and most rewarding experience I have had while being at Covecrest; it’s not always easy to get up or stay awake, but it is filled with grace and Jesus.  I look forward to continuing to show up and train myself to begin each day with our Lord. 

Here's a reflection from one of my mornings that struck me to the core.  Living as Christ did, modeling gentleness, mercy, and love, is my deepest desire; that others my come to know Christ as they come to know me would mean I have lived as God desires me to.  A work in progress, but I'll take it!!! Praise God for his relentless love and mercy!

IHM Core team came for a retreat at St. Rita's that I was humbled to lead.  To serve and be served by them and their love was glorious, to see the Lord embrace each one of them in their own ways, enlightens how he is moving and working at Immaculate Heart of Mary!  It was a blessing to be showered with love from all my peeps and to shower them with the love of Christ!

We had the awesome opportunity and privilege to create, lead, and execute a middle school retreat for  St. John Neumann Catholic School.  God showed up in big ways, encountering the teens exactly where they were, calling them to know him and to be loved by him!  Our team included Rod, our leader, Kiernan, Sammy, Erin, and myself.  The video shows our teens on the last day, surrendering their desires to our Lord, trusting that he will make something beautiful out of him! My God is he wonderful!!!

If you know me, you know that staying out of trouble is a tad difficult at times ;) Here's a wonderful picture from my House Leader Erin! I may have sent her a picture of a silly card as we were looking for birthday cards for my roommate! What can I say, my mother is Madea! haha

Here's Mr. Rogers! He's one of our local dudes that we go to see.  He's been in Clayton his entire life.  Jorge (a fellow missionary and Men's House Leader) and I went to visit him last weekend.  We talked with him and his friend Jim for about an hour.  They have been friends since they were in 4th grade, over 60 years.  I enjoyed hearing the stories about the old days, driving around town, drive-in movies (which is still in Clayton), and picking up the ladies of course!! haha We called to visit him today, but he wasn't feeling well, please keep him in your prayers! 

Most of you know that I've been trying to go through Holy doors in whatever city I visit, Atlanta was no different.  Mondays are our Sabbath days, so this past Monday I thought it'd be great to go exploring in Atlanta.  I drove to the Basilica in hopes of going through the Holy Door of Mercy, turns out it's a holy window of mercy trying to catch the times that it is actually open.  For those of you who don't know what a door of mercy is; Pope Francis declared this year as a Year of Mercy, in which he opened doors of mercy throughout the world, in hopes that EVERYONE who enters may know God's mercy is for all.  No one is too far gone for God, sometimes the hardest thing to do when seeking forgiveness is opening the door.  These doors help us to recognize that when we seek mercy we will receive it, no questions asked.  {short and simple explanation if you have questions feel free to email me} So anyways, the door was locked, I waited for someone to come out and I walked it! About 30 minutes later I got kicked out...but it's all good!

We were able to go be missionaries at a College Soccer game in Young Harris, Georgia.  It was a great night getting off camp and talking to some of the Women's soccer players hanging around watching the guys game!  Isn't it fantastic how well God knows exactly what we need and when! This game was a last minute decision that we were allowed to go to! Praise God!

Thursday I launched Middle Schoolers on our zipline for 4 hours!  To chat with them for a few minutes about how they're doing is great, their honesty is admiring!

Lake Burton, 5 minutes from camp....God's beauty surrounds me! 

Another home visit with one of our local neighborhood peoples and most of Joy House is present (Alice green shirt my roommate, Sammy in blue head down, Joslyn hiding behind Alice, and Erin with a beautiful smile!!)

Life is good, God is great, and I am humbled by your support, generosity and prayers!!! Thank you thank you, thank you.  You're in my prayers!!! 

--Live Love
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