Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Breathe, just breathe.

Lately, I find myself gasping for air.  I have this uncanny ability to bury myself in work, in serving others, in traveling, in staying so busy that eating and sleeping are something that I do because I have to, instead of because I actually enjoy both of these activities. I turned on the radio the other day (shocker I know) and this song literally took my breath away.  I found myself breathing hard, like I just came up for air out of the ocean.  Many times we as humans tend to think that we have to do everything, be everywhere, love everyone, and say yes to every opportunity to do something. Breathe. Just BREATHE.  I challenge you to take a deep breath, one where you can smell what's around you; the fresh cut grass, the dew in the early morning, the smog in the air, the stuffiness of the office cubicle.  What comes to mind? Are you thankful to be breathing or are you not paying attention to the small details?

When we get consumed by our life, we lose sight of what's most important, we lose why we're even here in the first place.  Something as simple as breathing becomes difficult or it becomes a chore.  We forget to cherish it.  Ask a lung patient who struggles to breathe how much they appreciate air.  Ask a new mother how much they appreciate 5 minutes of silence to simply breathe between nursing and diaper changes.  There's this great quote I saw somewhere that says "When you want to be successful as much as you want to breathe, you will be successful".  But what if your success is the reason you can't breathe?  What if you're working so hard, pursuing that endless goal of financial freedom or vacations or the next best thing that your breath is vanishing as fast as it appears?

As I found myself gasping for air, I realized that I was running around like a madwoman because I was scared of the silence, of being still.  I don't want to miss a thing, I want to be present to everyone, I want to do God's will, I want to help people, I want to share with them this simple truth "You are loved".  In Luke 10:20 is says rejoice for your name is written in Heaven!  EXHALE!  My name is written in Heaven; that means all this working, this battling, this breathing without reason or purpose, or giving more of myself than I can physically handle is for who?  I realized that it was for me.  As much as I wanted it to be about others, about God, it was for me.  I often tell people you can't give what you don't have, but my gosh how often do we TRY!? 

So once again, I've surrendered!  I'm throwing in the towel, of what I know and taking the advice of a great movie I just watched (War Room); I'm going to God to create my battle plan.  I will slow down to take a deep breath every day, to appreciate the people around me, and to allow God to love me so that I may love others. We are called to be a light in this world of darkness, how can you become God's light in someone's darkness today?  My prayer for you is that you know how loved you are, not because of something you've done or will do, not because you got all the things on your list done or you exceeded that list, but because you are you!  How freeing is that?  You are loved!  May you take a deep breath and accept the reality of that statement.

Every now and then God allows us a glimpse of himself, won't you be that glimpse for someone else?!

--LIve Jesus--

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