Monday, May 16, 2016

Increase my capacity

A prayer I often cry to our God, I believe help my unbelief.  There are many situations in this world that leave me dumbfounded, searching for understanding.  In faith though, we don't always get understanding right away (or ever); in fact, we rely on our faith to fill the gap of understanding. Some call it a cop out, others call it trust. Jesus, I trust in you, is another prayer often muttered by me.  

Faith and trust, two of the hardest words in the English language, not necessarily to pronounce, but to authentically live.  To attain a great faith and a high level of trust, I would beg that it takes similar paths, paths that parallel with one another, often coinciding with each other. To grow in our faith we are often asked to trust in the unknown, to step out onto the water as Peter once did, keep our eyes on Christ, and trust where he is guiding us is to glorify him and abundantly bless us.

When was the last time you let your mind wonder or allowed yourself to dream? When was the last time you stepped out of your boat of security, busyness, safety, and said 'Jesus, I trust in You'?  We must condition ourselves to trust, but never put conditions on our trust.  Many times we will pray, Lord, I'll trust you if ______.  We put limits on God, when in reality we are the ones who are limited. We were created with an imagination, in order to be co-redeemers; to think outside of boxes and limitations and to dream with God.  To achieve our dreams, whether it be healing of a child like the Father above asked for or becoming a Professional Football player like Philip Rivers, we must step out into the unknown to trust and believe (faith) that God, creator of the universe mind you, desires our utmost joy and happiness.

Today, while at a funeral Mass, my imagination got the best of me.  Often times I sit in Mass and try to imagine heaven all around us.  You see, during Mass heaven comes down to meet us in the Eucharist, we're surrounded by angels and Saints celebrating with us, we are ONE.  Today, it blew my mind; overcome by joy, listening to "Can You Imagine" sung by a young lady during the Eucharist procession, I was in heaven.  We are not limited by God, it is us who limits ourselves.  My soul was on fire, for love of Christ.  

The priest at Mass said that our existence is measured by our capacity to love.  How true. We have a very finite capacity, but with faith, trust, and prayer we can all ask God to increase our capacity; whatever you believe, you can ask for your capacity to love to increase.  My prayer after communion, given to me by a dear teacher of mine, I love you Lord, increase my capacity to love!

May you take time to dream today, can you imagine standing face to face with God? What will you say? What will you do? I can't wait to run up to him and give him the biggest hug ever, but I can only imagine.

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