Thursday, September 8, 2016

Missionary Life -- Welcome Home

Welcome Home!!!
One of the greatest phrases to hear when you've been out traveling, when you've had a long day or week at work, when you're exhausted, when you've missed loved ones, or when you're looking for a place of rest, of comfort, of peace. Home is a place that I searched for throughout my life, being a military child I moved around A LOT, being an adult I still haven't quite found my niche.  About 6 years ago, God revealed I had been home all along when I encountered him in the Eucharist; it was my only constant in a transitional life.  It's only fitting that 'Welcome Home' is the first thing you hear when you step foot on Camp Covecrest, especially as you step into the service of our God as a Full Time Missionary!!!  

Covecrest is my new home; a place for me to encounter Christ face to face in the Eucharist and the community, a place of refuge, a place of healing, a place of sharing, a place of joy!  You'll hear a lot about Joy House, as it is the location on camp where I will be residing! There will be many tears and laughs shared I'm sure with plenty of JOY.  My hope is to keep you connected through this blog, through pictures, stories, the ways God is being glorified in our lives and the lives of everyone we serve, and everything else in between.  I'm very encouraged and excited by all he is doing and all he will do, my heart is overflowing with an abundance of love; I believe if it could burst, it would! Thank you for being a part of this journey, thank you for being a part of my life.  

Day 1 -- Arrive, move into Joy House, Dinner with Community, unpacking, night prayer! It was a wonderful day getting to meet and see new faces, not gonna lie though a little bit nerve-racking, all the same I look forward to journeying with everything this year! 

Day 2 – Mass/Morning prayer, Holy Hour, pray over guys as they head out for camping trip, unpack and hang out with the ladies.    
<---One of the greatest lessons I learned at Immaculate Heart of Mary was who I am and more importantly whose I am, because of that I can learn to be that well.  This hangs in my room as a daily reminder to always be true to myself in order that I may be who God is calling me to be! The very best me!!

Day 3 – With the guys still away on their “men’s retreat” us ladies headed up for our first hike of the year.  We went to visit Angel Falls; it’s about a mile hike to the water fall (pictured) and how about God’s glory and imagination in that! Brillance, pure brillance!  It’s also a feast day of Mary, her birthday in fact.  It’s a good thing too, because as we were hiking up we passed a snake.  We all know what she did to snakes, so the girls and I were ok! Well off I go for our first retreat, but first we will go to Mass to pray for all of you and thank Mary for her yes!!! I hope you’ll follow along this journey has me on, falling more in love with him every day! Praise God! Peace my friends until the next time!! 
 “When you know how much God is in love with you then you can only live your life radiating that love.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta

--Live Love--
Join me on mission -->

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